This past June, I celebrated nine years with my A Thyme to Cook family. Working within a “boutique” catering company, family is the only word that I can come up with that truly describes how close we all have become. It’s a joy participating with the Event Coordinators planning their menus and events. At times I even join the party staff and work in the kitchen or as a bartender or server. Participating in this capacity has definitely given me fantastic insight about the “nuts and bolts” of executing an event. It’s a lot of hard – “go, go, go” work….but I wouldn’t give it up for anything. I enjoy wearing all of the hats that I do.
Prior to entering into the catering business, I enjoyed years in the great big world of retail. Although retail has become a tiny part of my life, it set the stage for the social interaction here at A Thyme to Cook.
Some stuff that makes me happy: Being a “mother” of three cats - Chester, Nicholas and Jack keep me very busy. Summer solstice begins the season when I can play in my amazing vegetable garden. Tulips are my favorite flower, bike riding for miles and miles is my go to exercise, the ocean and cooking brings peace and my continuing love- hate relationship with bowling!
Prior to entering into the catering business, I enjoyed years in the great big world of retail. Although retail has become a tiny part of my life, it set the stage for the social interaction here at A Thyme to Cook.
Some stuff that makes me happy: Being a “mother” of three cats - Chester, Nicholas and Jack keep me very busy. Summer solstice begins the season when I can play in my amazing vegetable garden. Tulips are my favorite flower, bike riding for miles and miles is my go to exercise, the ocean and cooking brings peace and my continuing love- hate relationship with bowling!